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Sep 17, 2008


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Bill - thanks for your kind works. LPO has gained a lot of ground recently in the US and also within some UK law firms, mainly in areas such as legal research/writing, document review/fact-checking, drafting of briefs and patent services.

We've seen more traction within in-house law departments of major multinational corporations, but I am seeing some of the third-party law firms beginning to use more LPO services. Not too dissimilar from many of the leading consulting firms using their Indian captives to support their engagements, but on an outsourced model as opposed to a captive one.

I see more of a KPO-type model developing as buyers use adjuct augmentation services at present, and it will take a while for long-term outsourcing contracts to transpire.

Overall, I see this space as having a lot of potential, but will evolve in more of a piecemiel fasion, with month-month type contracts for the near-term as firms use offshore support for individual legal projects as opposed to long-term function-based support,


Always look forward to your articles and discussions on the BPO sector.Keep up the great work!As a business development outsourcer for Quatrro BPO Solutions, what is your take on the future on the LPO arena?
Growing? Laggard?


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