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Dec 06, 2008


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Phil excellent observations. Rich Karlgaard of Forbes magazine wrote something very similar recently. He said the seeds of the next wave of innovation will be sown in this recesssion, since the new Paul Allen, Steve Jobs, Herb Kelliher, or Fred Smith won't be able to get jobs in a dynamic enough corporate setting. So...they'll be compelled to start their own. How would history have been different if Bill Gates had finished his Harvard degree and gone to work for Wang, Data General or IBM?


I truly agree we must begin to focus on the future and prepare ourselves to compete in the Global Community. I have began that process, check out http://www.global-possibilities.com/

Sad how we only address these fundamental issues when times are tough. Am concerned investment in education and research will be postponed in favor of bailing out the car industry and more banks...

Phil -

Excellent post - I couldn't agree more with the arguments you have made. We need to focus heavily on supporting training programs for fresh graduates in this recession, perhaps giving firms tax breaks for establishing schemes to develop young talent.

Nurturing young talent will give our firms renewed energy, ideas and work ethics, and the governments need to do what it can to help promote this. As you rightly point out they will be left footing this bailout bill in years to come, so we need to do what we can now to support their career development.

Andrew Johnson

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