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Feb 23, 2009


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As an Indian I feel proud of the achievement. At the same time I am appalled by those who expect Americans to watch the movie and outsource more to India. Slumdog Millionaire - as a book and as a movie - is an artistic expression that showcases triumph of the human spirit. It is not an advertisement of the poverty in India that pleads wealthy Americans for sending more jobs to India.

I am an outsourcing service provider working for an Indian IT company and would proudly recommend my customers to go and watch the movie but not so that they would give me more business. I earn my business on the merit of the value we provide in our service.

The movie is based on a book that was inspired by a research program run by my company. Here are a few links:





Lee Ann:

What an epic piece of blogalism.

I completely agree. As a vendor manager at a small company, I continually deal with workers who are fearful of losing their jobs, despite my continual reassurance that outsourcing allows them to do more within their current positions and benefits everyone. I hope that movies such as Slumdog will encourage Americans to think differently about their relationship to the rest of the world. We need to move beyond an isolationist focus on protectionism.


Slumdog Millionaire given us such pride in India. We are so happy the American public loved the film and are learning more about Indian culture,

Gaurav Sharma

Lee Ann,

I admire your stance. Sadly, people like Lou Dobbs will never admit foreign workers can help bring back a work ethic which America lost while it was getting fat and happy off borrowed money...


It's crucial for Americans to feel part of a global economy and rise to the challenge, as opposed to hide in fear. Movies such as Slumdog are very helpful in educating Americans about other global cultures, such as India. Sadly, offshoring is a taboo topic these days, and people will jump on any bandwagon to argue against it. Fortunately, Satyam's issues appear isolated, and Slumdog's success is a timeley boost for the Indian image in America.

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