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Apr 02, 2009


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If Newt runs in 2012, the sparring between he and Obama would be priceless to observe. Yes, his views are extreme, but at least he hangs his hat on his beliefs and has a vast knowledge of American politics. Plus he does some great work for science. I'm more of a European center-ground guy, but we need characters like Newt in politics to keep things interesting... we need new thinking and hard debate to unravel how to get out of this predicament,


Good thoughts on Newt's thoughts.

While I don't agree with much of what he's said or stands for, I found him quite literate, informed and eloquent, although basically devoid of answers and practical directions and full of old-line rhetoric.

Perhaps readers will enjoy the 13 pages that follow on this link...showing how politicians spend their spare time....


Eric Hochstein


Agree with the Sarbox assessment. All it did was get the accounting firms rich,

Suresh Gupta

Tell us what he really thinks -:)


More on Newt's speech here...


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