« Being Frank about Global Sourcing: An interview with Cognizant's CEO (Part I) | Main | Outsourcing drivers in today's climate: large companies want to globalize, mid-sized companies seek expertise »

Jun 24, 2009


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It is well said in the end;
focus with your value, people and finance
and any industry incl. outsourcing is promising.

Malick Md PMP

while I am not ready to put a nail in the coffin of BPO yet, I have to agree--5 years from now the distinction between ITO--particularly ADM--and BPO will be so blurred we will need a new name for it.

The benefits of the combined services seem to far outweigh the risks

Frank is right about IT and BPO coming together as a synergistic offering. "Pure Play BPO" will be a thing of the past very soon. Service Providers will have to look at partnerships with customers and develop common platforms that can be monetised. This can only be acheived by weaving IT and BPO together.

Frank is dead-on with his observation regarding a tightly-integrated global delivery model. Too many service providers have loosely-arranged global delivery centers, with unsufficient scale and coordination. This is an area where Cognizant and some of the other leading service providers can win out in this tough market, and keep their costs down.

Great interview - thanks for sharing


Vikas is being too polarized with his thinking here. Yes, cost-containment is the order of the day, but firms are faced with so many challenges to their very survival, many other key factors are being considered, namely culture of service provider, capability to develop global market presence and - as Frank points out - vertical experience in process and technology.


Although Frank's advice about vertical knowledge, world class delivery, range of service and consulative relationship with customer is solid and is a given for any market conditions, it is not enough in the current conditions. Even though may have all these things in place, today's customer is under so much pressure that cost becomes the only differentiating factor. More so because most of the known outsourcing vendors have the maturity in all the factors mentioned by Frank. What remains to be seen is who among the outsourcing vendors are able to sustain such cost pressures and price wars to emerge as a leaders ahead of the pack to ride the next wave of growth.

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