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Oct 18, 2009


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Andy, You make an interesting comment in the light of the recent Dell/ Perot and Xerox/ ACS deals - 'It is more likely that new firms will spring up with private equity money to fill the demand void for product agnostic services.' Are you seeing this happen, and if so, could you share some examples?

The most likely acquirers of captives will be either larger India based firms and Private Equity backed India based firms that want to scale operations. Examples of the former are Infosys and Wipro. Examples of the latter are Genpact,Xchanging.

The specific survey I mentioned did not inquire about what processes would be offshored. However, in other ongoing conversations I have identified the following processes as likely to go offshore: image based components of check processing, first level default management support for mortgage processing, and analytical services (credit analysis, portfolio due diligence).


You mentioned we'll see most of the banking captives being acquired. We've now seen Tata, Cognizant make captive acquisitions - which other service providers can you see investing in banking captives in the coming months?


Thanks for sharing an excellent discussion, gentlemen. When you say 37% of financial institutions will increase offshoring activities, can you elaborate on which specific process you expect these to be?

David Gurney

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