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Oct 24, 2009


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You've consistently provided a balanced and honest view of the outsourcing industry for a long time now. I don't think anyone who knows you expects anything different - expect more insight from your new experiences :)



As an industry, we need to pool our thoughts and opinions to improve delivering these services, or many initatives will fail.

The technology business has thrived on shared development initiatives, shared learnings and using internet based communications to share knowledge across all industry stakeholders. Global sourcing needs to follow-suit,


@Amanda @Anil: Thanks for the feedback. I also learn a lot facilitating the discussion here (otherwise I wouldn't do this). Am especially excited to use the powerful network we have to study the industry better and have that quick temperature-check on everything going on... who can wait months for research these days, when you can have it in hours?


@Naomi: The industry waits with baited breath for its launch. We will be sure to introduce it here when it's ready,


Am very pleased this site will continue. Not many places where you can get real opinions and views on outsourcing,


Hi Phil,

I've found your blog such a useful site for learning from the experiences of others, hearing expert views(that last interview with Andy was extremely useful for me) and also having a laugh. If you can use the site to do more research on what everyone's doing, that would be especially useful for me in my job,


Phil, just testing commenting techniques for my blog.

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