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Nov 04, 2009


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Sanjeev - regarding "how small is too small" and "are the large players adressing small deals", the answer is constantly changing. Large players have been able to address smaller deals over time, but the definition of small is relative. For the smallest deals, the largest players will pass and these very small deals are then adressed by mid-market players. Also, size is not the only issue, a small deal consisting of a centralized group with minimal knowlege transfer costs will make more sense to both buyer and supplier than a larger deal that is highly decentralized and fragmented and has high knowledge transfer and high severence costs.

Interesting stuff. Any predictions on which captives will get acquired next?

A very informative intervies - thanks Phil and Paul. The "how small is too small" question is interesting. Do either of you see the large service providers playing in the smaller deals, or mainly those providers serving that middle-market segment taking on more and more small-scale contracts?


Julie - I am happy to discuss this in detail if you wish to set up a call with me, just email your contact info to me at [email protected]

But in a nutshell it is: price, delivery center footprint, technology and tools, ease/flexibility of working with, acceptance of risk, breadth of service offerings, performance history with other clients, financial health/stability.

Paul / Phil

What an excellent discussion - really informative!

One question I have is how service providers are differentiating themselves with F&A BPO. Sees like everyone's saying the same story these days - what do you see making the difference?


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