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Jan 01, 2010


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Ha ha ha!! You actually voiced it loud. I was tickled and I hope a lot of us really stop and start doing those things you mentioned here. But tell you what, its almost impossible to straighten a dog's tail. So we'll keep hearing some or more of those "game changing" words. Hey, and maybe you should have put the meaning of "transform" (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/transform) at the start of your article. I used to wonder what all these guys meant when all they did was a little bit of tweaking here and there. But made for some good reading. Happy New Year.

Oh no! What's marketing going to do now? Without Strategic Transformational Innovation, outsourcing's just boring old execution.

Happy New Year, Phil. Gartner misses you.

Just brilliant!

@Tushar: Too right. People can really start to believe their own fluff after a while :)



Good job Phil! A couple more:
-Stop saying "Value Addition" when you actually mean "Resource Addition".
-Stop prefixing the word "Strategic" to any activity/function to justify its existence.

@Guy: agree the "I" word is on shaky ground these days

@Jeanne: death to the "T" word! But what do they replace it with?


Brilliant! How about stopping the use of the "innovation" word? That one's getting a bit jaded too.

Great post, Phil. Amen to the death of the use of "transformation."

Happy New Year to you and your readers.


Stop talking and start listening? That's a pipedream, not a resolution :)


How about:

"Quit claiming you can do as good a job at half the price of the other guy, when you know you can't?"


Hilarious! But why change the habit of a lifetime?


I am still in stitches after reading this, Phil! You managed to highlight everything wrong with service provider behavior without insulting anyone :)

Happy New Year, and hope you can keep us laughing all through 2010,


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