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Feb 23, 2010


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@Tony: I believe this was how we weaved Britney into proceedings:


There's no limit to our associative capabilities (we even did Rick Astley)


I'm ready! Bring it on!

digging the montage, but how did Britney Spears get threaded into an outsourcing discussion? :)

Bring it on, man. I like the Belgium beer references and photos ... that's global sourcing hops style.

Could use your readers help to find someone(s) in the advisory world that has worked with advertising agencies? Work with as in helped them facilitate a transaction or knowledge of the vendors that provide operational back office services.

Looking to speak with anyone who has had engagements in the agency world that would be willing to share details and perspectives on working with them?

Any thoughts? Your help is greatly appreciated!

So what is "H Day", Phil?

Awesome! Love the Killers soundtrack,



Not entirely sure what H Day is, but I can't wait!


Just brilliant! Thanks for the memories - and the anticipation -:)


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